
Ex. 6 How to Embrace Bold, Candid Moments on Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the most significant and memorable days of your life. It’s a celebration of love, commitment, and the beginning of a new chapter. While every couple dreams of having perfect photos to remember their day by, at The Romanzas Photography, we believe that the best images are often the ones that capture raw, candid moments—the ones where you’re truly living in the moment, not posing for the camera.

1. Let Go of Perfection

It’s natural to want everything to be perfect on your wedding day, but sometimes the most beautiful moments happen when things don’t go exactly as planned. A gust of wind during your outdoor ceremony, an unexpected laugh during your vows, or the tear in your partner’s eye during your first dance—these are the moments that tell the real story of your day. Embrace the imperfections and trust that they will only add to the charm and authenticity of your wedding photos.

2. Focus on Each Other, Not the Camera

The best way to ensure candid moments are captured is to forget the camera is even there. Focus on each other, on your love, and on the joy of the day. Laugh, cry, dance, and celebrate without worrying about how you look or whether the photographer is getting the shot. When you’re genuinely engaged with each other, the camera will naturally capture the true emotions of the day.

3. Trust Your Photographer

As your photographers, we’re not just there to take pictures—we’re there to tell your story. Trust us to capture the moments that matter. We’ll be there in the background, ready to snap the candid smiles, the fleeting glances, and the spontaneous bursts of joy that make your day unique. Our goal is to document your wedding in a way that feels natural and unobtrusive, allowing you to be fully present in the moment.

4. Create Opportunities for Spontaneity

While some parts of the day will naturally lend themselves to candid moments, it’s also important to create opportunities for spontaneity. Plan moments in your day where you can be yourselves—whether it’s a private first look, a casual stroll around the venue, or a dance-off with your bridal party. These are the times when you can let loose and let your personalities shine, and they often result in some of the most cherished photos of the day.

5. Enjoy the Moment

Finally, the best advice we can give is to simply enjoy your wedding day. This is your day to celebrate your love, surrounded by the people who mean the most to you. Don’t worry about the small details or the camera—just soak in every moment, and the photos will reflect the joy and love that fills the day.

At The Romanzas Photography, we’re passionate about capturing the authentic, bold, and candid moments that make your wedding day special. We believe that your wedding photos should be a true reflection of your love story—a story that is full of life, emotion, and unforgettable memories. So, let go of perfection, focus on each other, and trust us to capture the magic of your day.


August 17, 2024

Kiera Williamson